Your Life
Secure your digital afterlife by capturing your life’s key moments.
Take control of your afterlife: store all your information securely and enable someone you trust to access your accounts to do what you wish with them.
Self & Family
Register details to identify you, your Next of Kin, children’s Guardians and the Executor to your Will and Estate.
My Stories
Record life stories that you never want to lose, invite family to join your scrapbook & pass memoirs on to your children – including photos & documents.
Epitaph & Bucket List
Record an Epitaph or Obituary to inspire future generations of your family. Create an aspirational Bucket List for you to achieve.
Recording information required for a Legacy takes less than 5 minutes, on any device
Recording Your Life to pass on to your loved ones is simple to do on Lexikin
When you pass away, you don’t want your loved ones to be overwhelmed in their time of grief. Lexikin can help you make plans now to help your family focus on the life you’ve lived and the times you’ve shared together. In addition, our services help you make key decisions that will make things easier for your family during the days and weeks following your death. With Lexikin, you can choose how your life will be remembered.
Make the important decisions now
Create or upload your online Will with Lexikin
A Will is a vital legal document for you and your family, in the event something should happen to you.
Leave a legacy for your family to treasure
Everyone moves through the grieving process at their own pace, but one of the best ways to recover from loss is to focus on the life of the deceased. With Lexikin, you can help your family focus on the happy memories of your life by establishing a Family Scrapbook.
This social media tree lets you invite people whilst you’re alive, so that everyone can read key stories that you want to be passed down through posterity and gives family members and friends a place to interact with one another.
Decide how you’ll be remembered
How do you want to be remembered when you are gone? Lexikin makes it possible for you to set the tone for your legacy and allow future generations to remember you exactly as you are. Use this personal lifetime journal to record memoirs to be given to your children.
You can tell stories, include documents and upload photographs to make it extra special. You can also have memorial pages set up in advance, write the epitaph to appear on your tombstone, compose your own Obituary and even select reading or a Eulogy to be read at your memorial service or funeral.
Live life to the fullest & inspire future generations
Lexikin is all about celebrating life both now and after death. Our Bucket List feature gives you a place to record your dreams. Set goals to accomplish before it’s too late. One day, your family can look at your list and see what all you managed to do and will no doubt be inspired by how you went after your goals and lived life to the fullest.

What can the Life section do?
One of the most unique features of Lexikin is the ability to record your life’s memories and important moments. Many users start using this facility far before they are seriously thinking about their end of life arrangements, even though this section will require you to enter next of kin and guardianship information.
In general, however, Lexikin “Your Life” functionality gives you a comprehensive platform for recording your life, your family, and even your bucket list. Here is a little more information about each opportunity this section of the platform provides:
Let's get started
Lexikin gives you complete control of your life and your legacy by putting everything in one place.